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The Headerless Shower

2Shower doors have been installed in all forms, shapes, sizes, cuts, and angles. We are accustomed to seeing the usual right angle shower, neo-angle, or a straight in-line attached over a tub; but now there is a new and innovative type of shower glass that more and more customers and clients are gearing towards. This type of door features a seamless design and guaranteed ease of use.  It is called the headerless shower door and GlassKa is now specializing in the growing demand.

What makes this shower door unique is that it has sliding rollers on the bottom and because this is a headerless door there will always be more glass and less metal. You get an all glass, seamless look while still keeping the functionality of an easy to slide open door.

1-unnamed copyTwo rollers are attached into holes in the glass on the bottom as though it were a regular door hinge. There are also hinges that can be clasped on the wall to hold the glass in place. The doors are typically half inch or 12 mm glass. The track on the bottom is the entire key to this glass door; it is a sliding track with a roller that allows the glass to roll back and forth. A seal will keep water inside the shower by allowing the glass door to securely close against the wall or another glass wall. These doors can be installed in a stand-alone shower or along a tub.

We have featured one headerless system that was recently completed for a customer. Call us or message on our Facebook page for more information.

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